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Job Seekers

EmployAbility Midlands assist people with disabilities & illness in securing paid employment in the open labour market.


We can support you to recruit the right person by assessing the job requirements and then matching those requirements with our jobseekers' skills, abilities and training

About Employability Midlands
About us

We deliver a National Supported Employment Programme throughout the counties of Laois, Offaly, Longford and Westmeath.


Useful Links

In our resources section we have included links to helpful websites as well as forms to download.

EmployAbility Services are funded by the Irish Government through the Department of Social Protection.
Tá Seirbhísí Infhostaitheachta maoinithe ag Rialtas na hÉireann tríd An Roinn Coimirce Sóisialaí.

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